Experiences that have Shaped Me
Over the years, I’ve had opportunities that have allowed me to discover my passion for Kinesiology and Exercise Science. Below are experiences that have brought me to where I am today in chronological order.
Dipping my Toes in the Water
Not only was this my first clinical experience in the world of physical therapy starting in 2016, but this was also my first real job. I had an interest in physical therapy during my sophomore year of high school and really enjoyed my anatomy class, so I did some research and contacted ZPT. I loved getting to know the owner, the physical therapists, staff and the patients there. Patient-centered care is evident there as well as a positive environment, which I believe are important aspects to a clinic that is in the business of rehabilitation.

I soon began working after school as their part-time front desk receptionist for the clinic, and quickly got to know the ZPT team, their hard work, and their desire to learn and improve to better care for their patients. I was moved by the encouragement that the team gave each other and strive to bring that light any time I am helping someone else.
At the time, as soon as you would walk in to the clinic, you quickly noticed the pictures and testimonials of previous patients who completed their physical therapy. You get to read about their journey through their therapy and their newfound accomplishments. I got to be a part of some patient's journeys by encouraging them in the clinic, and sometimes doing challenging exercises with them to make things fun.
Computer Lab Attendant & Lab Supervisor
Having a background in technology and customer service is always beneficial in any career field. In addition, my roles as a computer lab attendant and supervisor have increased my interpersonal skills in person and online and increased my leadership skills among a small group. I also found that creating flyers through Canva (like the flyer on the right) to effectively communicate information in a fun and engaging way.

Club Treasurer
Even though budgeting is not directly related to my career goal, budgeting is a skill that is useful in any businesses as well as in my personal life. In this role, I worked with another treasurer and stayed in constant communication with them so that we would remain on the same page when talking separately to members. And when speaking among my sisters, I practiced my public speaking and leadership skills which I will use in the rest of my job positions.
Another two things I took away from this position was that priorities guide how much money you set aside for each project, and that good, frequent, and transparent communication with leadership is imperative to make sure there is unanimous agreement with and understanding of the budget.
This organization allowed me to develop a professional but fun relationship with elementary-age children through recreation and tutoring. Each session was different as I met with children with various learning styles and interests. This proved to be a challenge at times when a child and I might not have similar interests, but is a reminder that every person is unique, and it is important to listen to them and understand how to best help them. Then, at that point, you can find some common ground.

Bakery Retail Clerk
Communication is a common trend between all of my job experiences, but something unique that I have learned since working at a grocery store is that the energy you put out, whether that is positive or negative, will affect those you work with. Those that make a situation right by apologizing, uplifting another person, or letting them know that you appreciate them creates a more positive environment to work in. That makes everyone want to work hard and be a team player. Also, it is important to put in the same amount of work or more than you would expect from another coworker. Pride or anything else should fall to the wayside when a team tries to complete a common goal.
With this job, each day has its own unique priorities in terms of what is needed on the floor, so as a person of habit who strives toward best practices as much as possible, I have learned to focus on each day's unique priority list-- especially if we are short-staffed and cannot operate like normal.
Returning to ZPT as a PT Tech
After moving back to Indy, I returned to ZPT with a new role: PT Technician. Since returning, I have met new staff, learned a new EMR system, and have helped ZPT transition into a brand new location.
This job has allowed me to pull from my classroom knowledge when checking in and working with patients, has challenged my creativity in how to modify an exercise, and has added to my exercise toolbox.
I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the staff here and help out on evenings while going to school at IUPUI.​